Saturday, June 27, 2009


This is the beginning.

It is the start of what may turn out to be the most informative and current site regarding unidentified flying objects that you will find on the Internet. It has been created with two primary objectives: to spread the word regarding sightings, and to try to uncover the truth regarding the beings that have been visiting this planet for centuries.

The first official post will come tomorrow. In that post we will explore a bit of the history of the current UFO phenomenon. We will, at a later time, go back even further in history and show evidence of visitors from more ancient times.

In order to accomplish our first objective it's going to require input from anyone who has experienced contact of any type. This may involve anything from a visual sighting to an abduction. I will be depending on you to provide any information you have that will help us accomplish our first objective, which may well lead us closer to accomplishing our second.

So feel free to comment. And don't be afraid to share. All comments will be moderated, so do not fear a reply that will be sarcastic, rude or demeaning. I will eliminate those, and they will not appear on this site.

So, here we go. Add your comments below this post if you have anything to share regarding any unusual experiences you may have had. We want to hear from you.


  1. i haven't been abducted by aliens or UFO's; am just a wanna be

  2. I haven't been abducted either. Don't know that I would want to go that far, but I'd like to figure out what I saw that summer night a few years ago. I'll write a post about it in a few days. I've never figured out what it was.

  3. Stopping by to wish you great success on your new endeavor. IQXS will be following your data and supporting your work by posting links to our Twitter service.

    The LINK to this post has been Twittered at and shared with 1,140+ die-hard UFO Twit-thusiasts galaxy-wide. We track the latest in UFO/Alien Affairs News, Views, Pix and Vids. Come join the loop and be in the know. Tin foil hats, optional! ;)

    ATT: We do not re-post videos or data, we only share the link to yours. Ciao!

  4. I lived in Japan from 1999-1982. One evening in 1982 I was standing on a corner in front of a train station waiting for my ride when noticed two women across the street looking up and pointing into the sky behind me. I turned around to see what they were looking at and was astonished at what I saw. I cannot say for sure what it was, but I know for sure what it was not. I was born and raised in the Air Force and then spent 20 years married to the army, so at that time I had spent all of my life living on or very near military installations and I am, (or was at that time) quite familiar with military aircraft. What I saw was defiantly not one of ours, nor could it have been a meteor, which in no way can fly in a controlled flight path, which that thing did.

    I posted a piece on my blog about aliens and secret moon bases. There are two bloggers commenting on that post, one hard-core believer and one skeptic, but in the comments section of the post I go into detail about my sighting. There are also some links posted throughout to some really incredible stuff that will seriously make you wonder. Have a look, and please look at the links given, especially the images from the US Navy satellite, Clementine.

  5. Ms. Daisy, thanks for your comment. I would suggest that all readers of this post visit your blog and read the entire story. Very interesting.
